03 January 2015

something industrial

For day 3 of the AJW challenge __draw something industrial__ I immediately thought of this abandoned building on Market St. In Brenham. Set next to the railroad tracks, it may have been a forge or a foundry at one time.


  1. Wonderful work, Vicky! Did you do it from a photo?

  2. Sorry for not answering sooner, Jana. We've had a young grandson visiting for a few days.
    Yes, I drew this from a photo I took a few days ago. It was foggy and drizzly out, not good weather to stand and sketch in since I'm just getting over a cold.

    I showed the sketch to a friend at church. He said the building had been a foundry owned by an iron works company. There are currently plans for it to be renovated by a local coffee roasting company --- I love seeing old historic buildings given new life!

  3. Oh, get well soon, Vicky! Hope you had a nice time with your grandson.
    Yes, that´s a good idea, old buildings are very often more interesting and nicer, than the new ones!

  4. I love the darkness of what was the super-hot furnace. You can feel the heat and see the years of service. A coffee roaster business does seem like a good choice for a reincarnated industrial life.

  5. The whole downtown area of Brenham is "historic" in that they repurpose old buildings while maintaining the historical "bones". Many buildings have small plaques on them telling what the original structure was.


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