After my previous sketch (the yarn I’m not knitting) in dark gray ink, I realized that I’m really struggling with the gray toned paper of this sketchbook because I’m trying to make it fit my normal tools. My favorite watercolors are cool, subdued, earthy, granulating and neutral pigments — none of which work well on this cool toned paper. It needs bright colors and dramatic ink (crisp black and white) to work well. In other words, CONTRAST!
So I made up a Demi Palette with much brighter watercolors, testing my selections on a back page. And switched to black and white pens: the Kaweco Liliput has the finest nib and the Lamy Safari has a medium nib, which is quite bold. Both hold De Atramentis Document black ink. The Pentel Pocketbrush makes the deepest blacks with its paintbrush tip.
I was amazed that I could add just a bit of transparent red oxide and Jane’s grey to the yellow and match the brass of the Liliput, expecting it to be much harder. And my current favorite limited neutrals palette? It lives in my purse with my much-neglected 2” mini journal. I borrowed a white gouache from this palette to put in the brights palette, replacing it with Jadeite genuine — sometimes ya just need a rich green!