31 May 2024

why I switched

As long as I’m playing with paints, I thought I’d do a comparison of greens mixing the warm yellow in my current palette with cerulean blue chromium, ultramarine, and indigo. For years I used Daniel Smith’s quinacridone gold for my warm yellow. But the new version just wasn’t mixing the same as the original pigment that’s no longer made.

So this past year, I switched to using nickel azo yellow instead. Much brighter, cleaner greens!
The lower scrap of watercolor paper shows mixes with the original quin. gold; the upper scrap shows mixes made with the new version of quin. gold and those made with nickel azo yellow.

I can always neutralize a bright green by adding a bit of red pigment but I can’t make a duller, earthier green bright again.

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