07 January 2021

a fun little waterfall


This waterfall display made up of old barrels sits outside of the Italian restaurant I journaled about in yesterday’’s post. I wanted to sketch it (from a quick photo I took as we were going inside) to remember how it went together . . . Perhaps we can make something similar when we redo the planting beds in front of the barn!


  1. You created a lovely painting from this view of waterfall barrels. I am wanting to start doing some journaling, but so far just haven't been able to get going. Thanks for sharing your artwork.

    1. Thank you, Linda! I wasn’t sure how to begin keeping sketchbook journals, so I began by drawing one small sketch a day, following the Everyday Matters Challenge list. Eventually, I began writing a bit of text as well — just like keeping a diary but with limited words that would later prompt my memory of the day. It’s sort of evolved into this habit. 🤗


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