13 April 2020

for lack of yeast

I try to be gluten-free and avoid breads most of the time. But Bill still loves his bread, though he eats much less of it than he used to. For Easter, I wanted to bake something special for him, like old-fashioned cinnamon raisin rolls or perhaps try making some Scottish Baps (no doubt influenced by reading the Hamish Macbeth mystery series — they mentioned bacon baps quite a lot!) — but local stores had a run on yeast and there is none to be found in any form! I was lucky to even find flour, though our daughter-in-law had to bring us the gluten-free variety from Rosenberg.

So I added a bit of sugar, cinnamon, and raisins to my grandmother’s biscuit recipe, then topped the baked goodies with icing. Resulted in very happy husband!


  1. It looks delicious! A very creative answer to the yeast shortage!
    How is Bill doing? I have been praying for you two.

  2. We’ve used my grandmother’s biscuit recipe for several variations — one of the best with soups is to make “fat fingers” and roll them in garlic butter before baking!

    Bill finally met with the new neurosurgeon (by telephone-conference). In 2017 he had neck surgery for 2 bulging discs that they thought was the cause of his right arm nerve pain. The new MRI shows that the disc above and the disc below are both bulging. So he’s looking at one more surgery — not for 6 months though because Bill told him he has a house to build. For now the new medication is keeping the pain level down to a 2 or 3.


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