30 July 2011

more Texas travel pages

While at Jason's, we went to the Houston Zoo for a picnic. Josiah likes riding with the food; later, Papa Bill took him in the petting area to meet the goats. Over the tree tops, we could see Children's Hospital, where our daughter Kristen now works. (click on any photo to see larger)

Another day, we drove to Rosenburg for some great Tex-Mex cooking (the kind you can't find in El Dorado, KS) --- followed by snoballs around the corner. That's pregnant Carrie in the sketch; our 5th grandchild is due in September.

Like most of the mid-west, Texas is experiencing a very bad drought --- One day I found these leaves under one of the live oak trees in Jason's yard, looking very heat stressed.

On the drive home, I bought a postcard quoting Davy Crockett. Seems to express my feeling towards Washington politicians these days who don't seem to understand the concept of not spending more than you take in.

No matter what time of year, there is always a beautiful sunrise as we drive out of Houston.

Half way to Dallas, we usually stop at Corsicana for a snack, a sample of fruitcake, or some of Bill's favorite coffee. This was the BEST chicken salad sandwich I've tasted, on fresh baked pecan bread. Yummy!


  1. These are really lovely travel pages! I love the unfinished goats in the background on the second one. It really draws your focus in.

  2. Thanks! The background goats were really an afterthought to fill the page --- I was surprised at how well it worked!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In Midland TX, not officially in the desert,we have had less than an inch of precipitation since October, 2010! But I would still rather be in Texas! And Washington seems to be tacking the rest of the country to a BAD place.

    Great travel journal drawings! (found a typo in my previous comment so I redid it)

  5. That's horrible! a year without rain???

    Yesterday morning, I woke up to find sprinkles --- real rainy-day sprinkles! So the dog and I took a long walk.


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