24 April 2021

slender stem bitterweed

When we lived in our log cabin in Washington County, we were surrounded by all manner of wildflowers, mostly bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush. The wildflower growing most abundantly in our new location, where a wee finger of the piney woods meets the post oak prairie, is this spindly yellow one. More often growing singly rather than in a cluster with "pinked" edged petals, I had trouble identifying what it actually was. 

At first I thought it was Stiff Greenthread -- the flower bit looked right but the basal leaves did not. Greenthread has whispy string-like strands of multi-branched leaves, hence the name. Now I have decided that this is Slender Stem Bitterweed. At least that's my best guess.

* UPDATE: Through Facebook converstations, I found that this might be a form of Coreopsis. That's what I was calling it last year but all my Texas field guides show photos of Coreopsis with a red splotch near the center of each petal. But apparently there is a variety without the red; this might be Coreopsis lanceolata, named for those lance-like basal leaves.

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