07 June 2019

we got it after all!

After our daughter and son-in-law made a bid on a country property last weekend, they were told that the sellers decided to go with one of the other bids instead. So we went back to looking at other available properties, planning to see two of them today.

Then began a mad rush of phone texts between their realtor, the sellers’ realtor, our kids, and us. Apparently the chosen buyers decided to back out and our kids got the house! And Bill and I will be selling our cabin and converting this sheep barn into a barndominium house plus woodshop!

So we never got around to looking at these two properties today. I’ve been sketching bits of each place we look at in one of my sketchbooks, to keep the details straight in my mind. As we look at them, I jot down our thoughts or measurements  next to my sketches, then later mark an X through those we decide are a definite “no”.

Bill has been drawing up some ideas for a little house, with lots of wood touches and keeping as much ranch (and barn) style as possible. I think he’s having more than average fun!


  1. Fantastic. Praise God our Heavenly Father.

    What God has ordained for us is ours. Sometimes we receive it in a roundabout way but He accomplishes His divine will for and in our lives in the perfect time.

    The mystery of His ways should always delight us and cause us to praise.

    I'm so happy for you guys.

    1. Praise God indeed!
      He always orders our steps and prepares the way before us — often when we hadn’t even thought it was where we wanted to go, but afterwards we know we actually did.


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