03 June 2019

waiting to hear . . .

We have been looking at country properties with our daughter and son-in-law since last autumn, hoping for a down-sized house for them and and in-law cottage for us. An early one we looked at was a “no” but I did this sketch of the sheep farm next door — I liked that barn with the longhorn cow sculpture!

Last Saturday, the sheep farm went on the market and we checked it out on Friday. Loved it so much that our kids put in a bid on it. As did several others, 2 of them strong contenders. So we are waiting to see if our bid is accepted or not.

If our bid were to be accepted, this barn — which has been painted barn red sometime between last November and now — would be remade into a small house and woodshop for us. Bill is sketching some plans as we all eagerly wait the sellers’ decision.

UPDATE: We just heard, the sellers decided to go with one of the other offers instead of ours. So back to looking . . . 😏

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: The first buyer has backed out and our kids’ offer was accepted. Looks like Bill and I are going to build a house out of a barn!


  1. Isn’t that something? I pray it all works out for you!

    1. We’ve seen so many properties that would have worked, but this is the first time we actually decided to put in an offer. It’s so beautiful and peaceful!

      But if our kids’ bid is not accepted, we know and trust the Lord that He has something even better out there for us.

  2. I know you are disappointed but I also know that you know God has a better plan and He is busy arranging the circumstances on your behalf.

    1. I can be happy with any place we end up . . . or even staying put in this beloved log cabin of ours, in spite of the worries over the HOA’s foolish irresponsibility regarding our common water well upkeep.
      But the house on this property seemed so perfect for our daughter! I really wanted it more for her — even the wall colors were her colors, and the peaceful surroundings were all I could ask for her.
      But, as perfect as this one seemed to me, I know and trust that the one God already has picked out for us is even better!

  3. Ya!!! I'm trying to catch up on you happenings. This moving thing is big news! Bill will be able to make a mansion out of that out building!

    1. When we moved into our log cabin, I thought we would never ever move again! But this was a quiet neighborhood of mostly retirees and weekenders then. Now it’s full of very active (and noisy) young families — each with 3 or 4 barking dogs!
      Even more disconcerting, the present HOA board, who controls our common water well, refuse to obey state mandates on upgrading the system. We are concerned about where that situation is headed, being pretty sure the state will be cracking down on these independent water wells in the near future.


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