09 November 2018

a red shirt day

Yesterday it was back to therapy for both of us: Bill’s continued cardio rehab and my “sketching people in waiting room” therapy. I name it such because the more I do it, the less intimidated I am at drawing people . . . and to be doing so where people can see me.

This is how far I got before my subjects all left. I still feel more confident doing a quick pencil layout sketch, even though I don’t draw exactly the same lines in ink.
And this is how far I got adding a bit of color before Bill was ready to leave. Which means that overall, I took about an hour.

Text was added after arriving home. . . . Well, after stopping to shop at H.E.B, picking up a pizza, arriving home and eating, reading a bit, watching a movie, washing dishes. In fact, I didn’t actually add the text and take the top photo until a thunderstorm woke me around 2:00 a.m. I couldn’t get back to sleep and love listening to the rain.


  1. I am so impressed with how well you draw people. I am so intimidated by it that I have only tried a couple of times. I haven’t had time to sketch in a longggggg time between the wedding and teaching classes.

    1. I don’t feel very confident in sketching people. It’s a bit easier to do the light pencil guidelines, and I take a quick photo with my phone before I start (with the flash turned off, others think I’m only playing a game or checking something out online). People always get up and leave before I finish so the photo helps.
      Also, drawing strangers makes it easier — if the likeness isn’t there, who will know?


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