12 July 2020

what the cat drug in

This morning our outdoor “barn cat” Stubby brought us a juvenile coral snake, still alive, right up to the front porch. She was quite proud of herself!

Bill cut its head off, as coral snakes are highly venomous. My friend John Locke, who introduced me to watercolor, would certainly not be happy with us, snake lover that he is.


  1. My goodness! How scary. Glad you didn’t get bitten. Sometimes it’s fun to use that red. :-)

    1. It was really creepy realizing that not only are there possibly snakes living very near the farmhouse, but that they are a very dangerous variety. Very thankful none of us were bitten, including Stubby.

      We’ve seen a couple of Texas rat snakes — one in the east pasture and one in the small shed we store animal feed in. I’m totally fine with that, as they take care of the rats and are not venomous.

  2. Yes, many snakes are beneficial to the environment. Those poisonous ones would be unsettling. I think we have copperheads in southeastern Ohio, but not around here.

    1. We have 4 or 5 varieties of venomous snakes in this part of Texas — but we also have a couple of non-threatening types that actually kill and eat the dangerous ones!


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