10 October 2019

bread & butter

Neither Bill or I eat much bread anymore so when we find a really special one, we treat it as more of a dessert. One weekend our daughter and her family brought some amazing Italian soup to share, and a rosemary bread she toasted under the broiler with garlic butter.

We found this rosemary sourdough bread at H.E.B. recently and we think it’s the same kind as what Kristen had brought. Anyway, it makes the very best toasted cheese sandwiches with a really good aged extra-sharp cheddar!


  1. That sounds delicious!! I love the way you're plastic wrap turned out. It looks so cool!

    1. It was SO GOOD! I avoid breads because they give me heartburn (and empty calories since man has basically destroyed the original grains God created) — but for some reason natural sourdough isn’t an issue. And rosemary smells and tastes so lovely!


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