14 October 2024

books, books, and more books

Admittedly, I am a voracious reader. Always have been. These days, mostly ebooks checked out from a Houston library. The only “real” books on my shelves tend to be those that I intend to read over and over.

Normally I don’t care for books written by new authors about existing characters from previous authors. But “The Beekeeper’s Apprentice” sounded intriguing (featuring a 1920s young lady apprenticed to the now retired Sherlock Holmes) so I put it on my library “hold” list. And waited and waited. Apparently, it’s a popular book series, much in demand.

Finally I was able to read the first book — and loved it. So I waited again for the next 2 books in the series. Being impatient, and realizing that I would enjoy reading these over again, I planned on buying them. . . . . “They want HOW MUCH for the ebooks?” 

Instead, I found the first 16 books of the series on eBay for less than half the cost of ebooks. 

The following week, I won a bid for these illustrated Dorothy L. Sayers mysteries that I also love to re-read. I’ve apparently become a book collector.


  1. Wow, great deal! We love Laurie R King!

    1. She certainly gets Holmes’ character right, and I love the humor!


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