23 June 2024

remembering Grandma in triads

This past year, my mother moved into my brother’s home to recover from an injury . . . and was asked to stay permanently. They are clearing through her house and belongings, getting ready to sell.

These items are some of the treasures she sent to me that had belonged to her mother. I remember the vinegar cruet sitting on the dining room table, and I have long loved the flapper-style half doll. My grandma was a “flapper” in her youth! Half dolls were often sewn into pin cushions and Grandma was a very talented seamstress, as is my mom. Maybe I’ll do that with this doll some day.

Grandma also collected salt & pepper shakers. This bumble bee set from the 1950s is more correctly a condiment set but online sources say they were sometimes used for salt and pepper. That thing sticking out the back is a tiny spoon.

Bill was thinking they’d be great for holding mustard and horseradish. Other sources say jam and honey.

I wanted to use the “winter” triad from my new Triad Palette for both pages as the colors seemed “antique” to me, but I ended up using the spring palette for the half doll to mix the delicate skin tone. The bees were done in the winter colors — I found out that indanthrone stains when I didn’t move quick enough on the front bee’s back!

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