20 February 2024

some local highland cows

We recently drove a back road near home where Bill and I both tried snapping some photos of this highland cow herd. I especially like the one of the baby Bill took. It was a cooler day, much better suited to their thick, hairy coats.

And just to prove that I will sketch just about anything in my view: an abdominal drain that’s currently attached to me, an aftermath of the 11-hour surgery of 2 weeks ago. I am hoping to get it removed this week. Too gross to record in my sketchbook? Maybe. But an interesting memory, just the same.


  1. I've been wondering what an abdominal drain looks like, since I was just visiting a family member who had two, which she said were very uncomfortable and too gross to show us. I always like the way your sketches show your real life as it is.

    1. I tend to draw what I see in person, not from imagination, so drawing bits of my own daily life just makes sense! And because this current journal (which is almost full) is documenting my cancer treatments and surgery, including the uncomfortable drain seemed important somehow.
      I heard from the PA today that it’s time to remove it — they’ll set up an appointment during clinic hours this Friday. Hurray❣️

  2. Day to day life is made up of memories.. good and bad. I'm glad to see you kept a visual record.

  3. Sorry .. I forgot to add my name to above message.. it and this are from Suzanne in Sydney, Australia

    1. Hi, Suzanne from Sydney! 😁 (I have a cousin named Suzanne — lovely name!) — I like looking through my old illustrated journals because a simple sketch done at the time can bring back so much more memory than the page recorded!


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