28 July 2023

recent raccoons’ mischief

Our visiting raccoons have been at it again! We used to store birdseed in a 10-gallon crock but they could easily get the wooden lid aside enough to dive in for a snack. The seed is now stored in an antique milk can. They couldn’t get the lid off — so they knocked the can over, rolling it off the porch and into the yard. (The lid stayed firmly in place!)



  1. Wow, determined little rascals! Love your artwork!

  2. No racoons here in where I live in northern Germany, but we had some squirrels the other night making lots of noise during an squirrel party at neighbors patio. They tried to get their hand on some food our neighbor had prepped for her Sunday meal and stored it wrapped up on a desk outside as it is strangely very cool here at nights lately…
    I love your daily sketches and always send an prayer while reading.

    1. How bold and sneaky those squirrels are! 🐿️
      Thank you for your prayers — they are so appreciated.


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