20 April 2023

embracing the wonky

First page of my new sketchbook journal, first sketch done during my first chemotherapy infusion. On handmade 100% cotton paper with uneven sizing. And the drugs seem to make my hands shake — a lot! So, this is officially called my wonky journal. Seems appropriate for my wonky year of battling cancer!

And now that I’m no longer working on a toned paper, I finally get to play with my Christmas gift, the Grow Untamed palette from Art Toolkit! I absolutely love the deep red case and the handmade paints from Letter Sparrow! But I just can’t live without a cool red and turquoise so I added quinacridone magenta and Paris green from Letter Sparrow. Then at the last minute, threw in my regular ultramarine blue and transparent red oxide for rich grays.

My first infusion went very well — until it was finished and the nurse was flushing the port. Suddenly my throat tightened and I was unable to catch my breath, one of the possible side effects. The small cubicle was immediately filled with doctor and nurses, I was given oxygen, and steroid drugs added through the port. Apparently an anaphylactic type allergic reaction to the chemo drug. All turned out well; they will simply need to make adjustments next time to my pre-infusion meds and slow down the infusion time.

Today I feel amazingly well — no nausea (yet!) and the best night sleep that I’ve had in months! Very little discomfort of any kind. But I myself am a bit wonky at walking, back to using a walker. And anything I touch that is cold makes my fingers tingly numb; I can’t drink anything cooler than room temperature either. These are temporary and will clear up. I have been told that chemo is accumulative and symptoms change but so far, so good.


  1. Dear Vickie - I have been following your blog for so long always am so inspired by your daily sketching posts.
    I am always easily tempted by your pen, paint and book recommendations as well.
    I am taking care of my hubby who is not well, and it has been hard for me to keep up with my two passions - sketching and knitting. But you have unknowingly encouraged me by your fortitude and faith and bravery with your recent health chsllenge.
    I just wanted you to know I am so inspired by your posts and that you are in my daily thoughts and prayers as you navigate your healing. You are one strong lady. Sending you hugs!!! Dorothy

    1. Life challenges can be difficult, can’t they? I’m so sorry life has been hard for you lately.
      I do have “down” times as well, but drawing my journey helps me tremendously, especially as I add reminders that God is in the fight alongside me. In effect, I’m encouraging myself — and hopefully sharing that hope with others who need it.
      Sending hugs and prayers back to you! 🤗🙏

  2. Vickie I did not realize you were in the midst of battling cancer. Will be praying for you friend. May God miraculously give you His Strength. Hugs!

    1. This whole thing sort of snuck up on me! Scary from day to day with all the medical visits and info; I just need to remember Who is really in control. He knows the end from the beginning and I need to just trust Him. Thank you for your prayers and friendship.


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