13 June 2022

recent wildflowers and reading

I am still caught up with trying to read the complete Lord Peter Wimsey books written by Dorothy L. Sayers in the 1920-1930s. Normally a quick reader, I have been checking them out as ebooks from a Houston library and am constantly having to wait for another reader to turn the next one in (I prefer to read things in order).

Anyway, because of my voracious reading habit, I have been neglecting my sketchbook pages, just sketching a bit here and there of these wildflowers recently found on a friend's acreage. Finally finished this page last night -- that Monarda is extremely complex!

Since I am enjoying these clever mysteries so much, I looked into buying the complete set of 15 but I just can't wrap my head around spending $25 on EBOOKS!! (the lowest price I have found). A book that can be held in the hand can be passed on to others, but an ebook stops with the original purchaser. I found a complete used set for sale as Mass Market paperbacks but I am not willing to spend $125!

Still trying to decide . . .


  1. Check out the Faded Page for your books. https://www.fadedpage.com/csearch.php?author=Sayers,%20Dorothy%20L.

    1. How cool! I'm not sure if I can access the books with my Ipad but it's worth trying. Thank you!

    2. While these are Public Domain in Canada, apparently they are under copyright laws in the United States. Thanks anyway!

  2. I love these journal pages! You are so talented and have rendered these flowers so well. This spread reminds me a lot of the style of nature artist, Jean Mackay. Have you ever looked at her work? Mostly nature related subjects but she just has a style all her own. And she's a great teacher if you ever get a chance, I'd highly recommend her!

    1. Thank you for your kind words -- I have long loved Jean MacKay's art! I follow her on Instagram.

  3. Forgot to give you a link - https://jeanmackayart.com/


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