27 October 2021

live oak branch

We have live oak trees lining our long driveway, and they are heavily covered in acorns this year. So much more than the local squirrels can gather, though they work steadily at it.

I’ve been lacking in sketching inspiration __ or any other type of activity __ during recovery from oral surgery. Then Bill brought me this snippet off one of the trees and I just had to draw it. I used a Kaweco Liliput fountain pen with a Graf Von Faber-Castell carbon black cartridge, drawing a bit of shading out with a waterbrush.

Texas live oak trees grow to such a majestic size, yet they have such teeny tiny acorns!


  1. Your sketch is lovely, Vicky, but I am surprised by the shape of the leaves! Are these also oak tree leaves?
    Have a speedy recovery!

    1. I was surprised by the huge variety of unique oak leaf shapes! In our part of Texas there are 8 distinct types; on our property we have Live Oaks, BLackjack Oaks, Post Oaks (which have the classic leaf shape), and a Water Oak.
      The older Live Oaks in the area get so big and heavy, the outer branches actually lay down on the ground yet keep on growing. I've seen one blown over in a storm; even with part of the roots bared, it kept on growing upwards from the branches laying on the ground!

  2. You need a bur oak, Vicky! ;D

    1. I would LOVE a burr oak! They were my favorite when I lived in Kansas, but they apparently don't grow naturally in this part of Texas.


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