16 July 2019

former residents say goodbye

 Yesterday our daughter and son-in-law closed on our new property in the country, then we met at the house to get an idea of what needs done now that the sellers’ furnishings are gone.

I wandered over to the barn that will one day be my new home and was greeted by some of the former residents. In fact, this horse practically ran up to greet me at the fence! Her face was covered — probably to calm her for the upcoming travel.

She might have thought at first that I was someone else, but once she sniffed my hands, she decided to be friends. I wish I had a better photo of her, but she also wanted to play with my phone!

The sheep that remained also came up to me, now that their protective sheepdogs were gone. The owners had already moved half the flock to their new home west of hill country, and would be returning later in the day for these. Four Great Pyrenees usually live among the sheep for protection (area bobcats love mutton!), and the owners also have three border collies that work the sheep.

It began to thunder with a heavy downpour, so we all ducked under the barn and lean-to for shelter.

After loading the sheep and horse in their trailer, the owners looked for their two barn cats — only one could be found. After they left, we spotted the other one but she ran from us. Hopefully we will eventually catch her and return her to their daughter who lives in College Station.

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