04 September 2024

taking a break from packing

We have been busy getting the RV ready and packing food, clothes, and other miscellaneous items to head up to Kansas soon.

Taking a break, I drew my tote bag. Normally I carry a very tiny bag of only the essentials, but not knowing what I might need as we travel between three cities in Kansas and one in Missouri, this one seems a better choice.

This was sketched with a Pilot Parallel pen filled with Noodler’s Lexington gray ink which is normally water resistant. Oddly, it smeared when I added watercolor.


  1. Vicky hope you have a lovely trip. I think this sketch is lovely and the Noodler's Lexington gray ink smearing certainly doesn't take away the soft watercolor look. Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Debbie! I agree, the smeared ink blending into the watercolor does give the sketch a softer “patina” rather than the very bright colors of the actual bag.


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