22 May 2022

San Felipe de Austin

We took time out from camping to visit the nearby San Felipe de Austin’s history museum with a “Villa de Austin” recreation of some of the town’s buildings. The actual township’s location is across the highway where archeological digs are ongoing. This town was designed and established by Steven F. Austin in 1823-1824 and served as his colonial capital when Texas was still part of Mexico. Townspeople destroyed the town themselves as General Santa Anna advanced on those fighting for Texas independence.

Drawn with a Kaweco Liliput fountain pen loaded with J. Herbin Lie de The ink which blurs a bit when watercolor is added, causing an “antique” look.


  1. I have recently re-discovered your beautiful blog, Vicky. I find your faithful journal entries comforting, homey and inspiring. I loved reading back through the snippets of your life. Thank you for consistently documenting and sharing.

    1. You are very welcome, and thank you so much for the kind words -- they greatly encourage me!


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