07 February 2022

Happy Valentine’s . . . Anniversary, Birthday, etc

I recently had 2 unexpected upgrades in mobile devices. First, my iPhone 7’s battery needed to be replaced. A new battery only cost $50 but our son Jason found a really good deal on an iPhone 12-Mini, so I decided to get that instead.

Then I accidentally dropped my iPad Pro — facedown on a very hard rough stone floor. The screen was shattered and a replacement would cost $380, more than a brand new iPad; I don’t need a “Pro”, it was an older hand-me-down from Jason. I still had my old iPad 4 Mini so I chose not to repair or replace.

Until last week when my iPad Mini’s battery stopped holding a charge. I suddenly had to recharge it twice a day instead of every 1 1/2 days. It gets used a lot, for reading multiple books, email, texting doctors’ offices, moderating posts in a private Facebook group, using crochet or knit patterns, blog posts, shopping, and playing the odd game or two. The device is over 6 years old and has been used well.

I decided to just live with it for now, keeping a power cord handy. But Bill conspired with Jason — this past weekend I was given a new iPad 9th generation, trading in my old iPad Mini for much more than we had expected it to bring.

Bill told me it’s for Valentine’s Day . . . and our wedding anniversary in May and my birthday in July. They got me the larger capacity one (256 GB) so maybe even Christmas by the time I add a more protective case!


  1. Replies
    1. Aren't they sweethearts? Especially Bill, who hates computers and electronic devices!

      Although, he forgot his paperback once when we were camping . . . and ended up reading several books I had downloaded for him onto my iPad Mini "just in case".

  2. Well, well, well, you are the undisputed Queen-wife and Queen-mother to your guys. Happy all-those-days to you Vicky and may God bless Bill and Jason.

    1. My guys are awesome.

      Blessings back at ya, Cheryl!


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