21 January 2015

AJW 19, 20, & 21

The next sequence of prompts for Artist's Journal Workshop's January drawing challenge are a self-portrait, something made with chocolate, and a tool.


I drew myself from a photo daughter-in-law Carrie took of me a few months ago, leaving off the glasses since I no longer need them. Doesn't look much like me, I don't think.

Bill was eager to suggest that I draw one of his tools -- an antique cast iron nail bar used to remove nails. It is HEAVY!


  1. I stalled out on the challenge after the self portrait. I became obsessed with sketching people and have sketched my kids more times than I can count in the last few days. Learning to sketch fast, because my son changes position about every two minutes.

    1. Then the challenge inspired you! I find portraits hard; those of loved ones nearly impossible! But how awesome to draw your kids while you can --- they grow up way too fast!

      I once drew a grandson laying on the floor concentrating on a game on an iPod. I thought he would hold still for a few minutes, as engrossed as he was with the game. But no, he rolled over several times --- never losing his place in the game!

  2. I'm with Bill. The nail puller is a good tool to sketch. I've never actually used one, though. Always wondered how well they worked. Must work well because the design is common. Great self-portrait.

    1. The nail puller is a very cool, VERY HEAVY tool to sketch; Bill says to tell you they actually do work great. He thinks the self-portrait does not look like me at all, but then he says that I do not look like me now that I no longer wear glasses. (Cataract-removal surgery corrected my vision)


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